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The Burwin Institute was established in 1984 to provide quality home study courses in diagnostic ultrasound applications. Burwin courses provide a means for technologists to learn theory in a structured fashion needed to challenge the Registry examinations. It is recognized that various institutions offer short courses and seminars for Registry preparation but many technologists do not have the time or finances to attend these types of programs. Studying with home study courses is a proven and effective method of learning.
Burwin courses are comprehensive and current. As such, they are an excellent way of obtaining continuing education points for Registry maintenance.
All our courses are evaluated by the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (SDMS) and accepted for educational credits or units by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS), American Society of Radiological Technologists (ASRT), Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI), Sonography Canada, Society of Vascular Ultrasound (SVU), State of Florida Radiologic Technologists, and state of California Board of Registered Nurses.
Hello! It would be my pleasure to provide some help and instruction through this home study course.
I have been teaching ultrasound both clinically and in the classroom since 1990.
I am presently employed as the Program Coordinator for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at Red River College of Applied Arts, Science and Technology in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I am the author and instructor for the Burwin Institute Sonography Principles and Instrumentation course.
I truly enjoy my job, especially the challenge of teaching Physics and Instrumentation. The mere mention of the word "physics" causes many students to panic. But I believe physics can be fun, understandable, and most importantly, relevant to daily clinical practice. If you can approach physics with an open mind, I know you will surprise yourself.
Hello and welcome to Burwin! I am the course author/instructor for the Fetal Echocardiography Course.
I have worked in general ultrasound and high risk obstetrics departments and am currently working at a teaching hospital that specializes in pediatric and women’s health. I enjoy that fetal echo allows you to apply knowledge and skills from other subspecialties such as adult echocardiography and obstetrics into one exam. I am very passionate about fetal echo and I look forward to supporting you throughout this course!
Hello. My name is Jenna Wiebe and I am the course author and instructor for the Burwin Institute’s Breast Ultrasound course.
I have been working in the field of Diagnostic Ultrasound since 2005. Over the years I have gained experience performing a variety of diagnostic ultrasound exams and assisting with interventional procedures in both an acute care hospital and private clinic setting.
Throughout my career I have had the pleasure of teaching sonography students in the clinical setting and assisting other registered sonographers as they train in new specialties.
I look forward to helping you reach your personal and professional goals as well.
Hello and welcome to Burwin! I am the course author/instructor for the Pediatric Echocardiography Course.
I have worked in a pediatric teaching hospital since I graduated from nursing in the year 2000. The first 12 years I worked as registered nurse on a busy medical/surgical inpatient unit. I accepted a position in pediatric echo in 2012 and continue to work as a pediatric echo sonographer. I feel I have truly found my passion with pediatric echo and continually strive to improve and produce quality images.
Throughout my career I have taught pediatric echo to many pediatric cardiology fellows, neonatal fellows, adult echo sonographers and various ultrasound students. I enjoy all of the challenges working in pediatrics and enjoy sharing my knowledge with others.
I look forward to offering support and guidance throughout the course.
Hello. My name is Margaret Corbett and I am the author and course instructor for the Burwin Institute home study course in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. The primary focus of the course is to cover the material required to pass the credentialing examination in this area.
I have worked in ultrasound since 1983 and am registered in Musculoskeletal Sonography as well as Adult, Pediatric and Fetal Echocardiography, Abdomen, Ob/Gyn, and Vascular Technology. I am presently employed full time as Ultrasound Training and Development Lead in a busy private practice. My teaching experience began in 1979 in Radiography.
My initial experience to teaching through distance learning was a series of courses in Radiologic Quality Control. I also have experience giving registry preparation seminars in cities throughout the US. I have been with the Burwin Institute since 1992.
Hello. Welcome to the Burwin Institute! I am the course author and teacher for the Burwin Ultrasonography of the Abdomen and Small Parts - Part 1 and 2 courses. I am also a coauthor of the Introduction to Ultrasound course.
My teaching career began in Radiography in 1973 and expanded into Ultrasound in 1984. I have taught my specialty areas to full-time college students, to graduate students preparing for their Registry examinations and to sonographers and physicians who wished to upgrade their knowledge in these areas.
I sincerely hope upon completion of these courses you will have a similar experience to Kathy T. from PA who wrote : "I wanted to thank you so much for the information given to me through your courses which made the examination so much easier. I learned so much more than I had ever hoped to, and, although some areas were difficult for me to comprehend, I am a much better sonographer today . . . I will be forever grateful that I found out about your courses . . . I felt so well prepared for the examination, and, my grade (87.5%) reflected my knowledge."
Hello my name is Rebecca Boutros and I am the course instructor for Parts 1 and 2 of the Adult Echocardiography courses.
I have been working as an echocardiographer since 2010 gaining exposure to various pathologies in both inpatient and outpatient settings. I have experience in various types of stress echocardiograms including treadmill, dobutamine, and supine bike exams. I am very passionate about my profession and love learning anything and everything about the cardiovascular field.
I also have a Bachelor’s of Education and am very passionate about teaching and working with students. I have had the opportunity to work with sonography students in their clinical placements as well as scan labs in a college setting. I look forward to supporting you through the courses and helping you achieve your goals!
Hello! Welcome to Burwin! My name is Shayna LeBlanc and I am the course instructor for the Burwin Gynecological Ultrasound and Obstetrical Ultrasound courses.
I have been a sonographer since 2012. I am currently performing ultrasounds in a clinic setting where I also provide clinical teaching to students. In 2014-2015 I worked in a high risk obstetrics and gynecology unit in New Zealand. During this time, I gained a great deal of ultrasound experience and knowledge that I look forward to passing onto students.
I am very passionate about ultrasonography and I am excited to assist students to succeed as a diagnostic medical sonographer.
Hello. My name is Stuart Gibbs and I am the author and course instructor for the Burwin Institute home study course in Vascular Sonography. My course covers the material required to pass the credentialing examinations in the vascular credential.
I qualified in 1987 and still find my work interesting, exciting, and challenging. Currently I am working at The Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Center in British Columbia, Canada. I also work as an applications specialist.
My interest in ultrasound has extended to serving in professional societies as a board member of Sonography Canada and president of The British Columbia Ultrasound Society (BCUS). I am aso a Fellow of Sonography Canada.
Teaching ultrasound continues to be a rewarding experience for me whether it is presenting at national conferences, provincial society meetings or teaching students/residents in my department. My areas of expertise include Vascular, Echocardiography, Neurosonography, MSK, Abdomen, Obstetrics, and Gynecology.
I am sure you will enjoy the Vascular Technology course.