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Neurosonology - Part 2

Neurosonology - Part 2
Course Code - 009

NEUROSONOLOGY is organized as a two-part course, PART 1 and PART 2. The courses are designed to prepare the applicant for the Neurosonology portions of the Pediatric Sonography Registry Content Outline. It will also be of interest to sonographers who wish to update their knowledge in the field of Neurosonology.

This course has also proved beneficial to obstetrical sonographers who scan the fetal brain transvaginally in the second and third trimester.

Gross anatomy, sectional anatomy and pathology of the brain and spinal cord are presented in addition to the sonographic appearances of normal and abnormal structures. Current Doppler applications are also discussed. It is recommended that PART 1 be taken before PART 2 as they are sequential courses however, both courses may be taken during the same term. It is not recommended to take PART 2 before PART 1. Sonographers with a Neurosonology credential wishing to review, may take the courses in any order.

View Course Modules

Module 1:

  • Sonographic pathology
  • Hydrocephalus: types, measurements, effects, treatment, complications and sonographic appearances
  • Intracranial hemorrhage: clinical findings, causes, timing, scan protocol, blood tests, types of ICH, grading, ECMO, hypoxic-ischemic disease and sonographic appearances

Module 2:

  • Sonographic pathology
  • Congenital disorders
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Intracranial neoplasms and sonographic appearances
  • Physics, instrumentation and artifacts

Module 3:

  • Sonographic pathology
  • Spinal sonography: anatomy, functions, cord tethering, open and closed dysraphism, tumors and sonographic appearances
  • Intraoperative neurosonography: equipment, technique and applications




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