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Ultrasonography of the Abdomen & Small Parts - Part 2

Ultrasonography of the Abdomen & Small Parts - Part 2
Course Code - 004

Ultrasonography of the Abdomen & Small Parts is a comprehensive two-part course designed for:

  • students preparing to write the Registry credentialing examination in Abdomen
  • practicing abdominal sonographers who wish to review current abdominal ultrasound and earn 30 educational credits or units
  • cross-training into abdominal ultrasound

The two-part course covers ALL ASPECTS OF ABDOMINAL ULTRASOUND listed on the Registry Examination Content Outline. This includes pertinent gross anatomy, sectional anatomy, physiology, pathology and pathophysiology. In addition, the sonographic appearances of normal and abnormal structures, as well as clinically significant Doppler applications are presented throughout each part of the course.

Included in EACH PART are approximately 300 Registry type examination QUESTIONS and an ultrasound image atlas containing about 200 high quality scans.

An OPTIONAL examination is available after successful completion of the four module assignments. The examination provides an excellent opportunity to write Registry type examination questions under exam room conditions.

The courses are sequential so it is recommended that Part 1 be taken before Part 2. Both courses may be taken simultaneously. Sonographers with an Abdominal Registry specialty credential, wishing to review, may take the courses in any order.

This two-part course has been evaluated by the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS) and is approved for 30 credits (CME/CEU/CPD) for each part.

View Course Modules

Module 1:

  • Sonography of the normal and abnormal pancreas
  • Sonography of the reticuloendothelial system (spleen & lymph nodes)

Module 2:

  • Sonography of the normal and abnormal urinary tract and male pelvis

Module 3:

  • Sonography of the peritoneum
  • Sonography of the anterior abdominal wall and groin
  • Sonography of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle biopsy and drainage procedures
  • Interventional sonography

Module 4:

Superficial Sonography:

  • Neck (thyroid and parathyroid glands)
  • Lymph nodes
  • Major salivary glands
  • Miscellaneous neck pathology
  • Scrotum
  • Penis
  • Miscellaneous "lumps and bumps"
  • Infant hip




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