Toll Free: 1-800-322-0737 (within Canada and USA only)

Purchase Burwin Courses
Please fill out the form below

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Contact Information:
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Shipping Address:

The cost and courier service used depends on where you live and is typically between $75 and $250 (and sometimes even higher). This charge will be added to your order total later (shipping charge will show as zero for now). Delivery to most locations is within 2 to 4 business days. We need a valid street address as couriers do not deliver to Post Office Boxes.

Promo Code:
If you have been given a promotional discount code by Burwin staff, please enter it here.
Available Courses:
General Ultrasound Package Deal GUP $2,700.00
Introduction to Ultrasound 001 $450.00
Sonography Principles and Instrumentation 002A $675.00
Ultrasonography of the Abdomen & Small Parts - Part 1 003 $675.00
Ultrasonography of the Abdomen & Small Parts - Part 2 004 $675.00
Gynecological Ultrasound 005 $675.00
Obstetrical Ultrasound 006 $675.00
Neurosonology - Part 1 008 $450.00
Neurosonology - Part 2 009 $450.00
Fetal Echocardiography 033 $675.00
Pediatric Echocardiography 015 $675.00
Adult Echocardiography - Part 1 017 $675.00
Adult Echocardiography - Part 2 018 $675.00
Vascular Technology 014 $675.00
Breast Ultrasound 031 $675.00
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound 032 $675.00
Credit Card Details:

Visa debit and Mastercard debit cards are not accepted

Billing Information:
Final Due Diligence:

Please read carefully the Cancellation and Withdrawal Policies as well as the Shipping and Handling Charges before submitting your order. Use the Back Arrow on your web browser to return to the enrollment form.

Order Summary

Subtotal: $0.00

Tax: $0.00

Shipping: $0.00 (you selected no shipping option in the 'Shipping Address' section above)

Total: $0.00

Please check the information to be sure it is correct. Then click "Place Order" at the bottom of the page to complete your order. If you are sending your order by fax (Method 2) or by mail (Method 4), print the completed order form with your web browser printing and printer, and send by either fax or mail.

You agree to pay all charges set forth above. The Burwin Institute will bill such charges to the credit card designated above. If you prefer, you can phone in your order toll free (1-800-322-0737, Canada and USA only); other countries use 1-902-634-3238. Phone orders are only accepted with Visa Debit, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and JCB (Japanese Credit Bureau).